받침 ‘ㅎ’의 발음 (Pronunciation of final ‘ㅎ’)
1. 받침 ‘ㅎ’은 뒤에 모음이 오면 발음되지 않는다.
The final consonant ‘ㅎ’ is not pronounced if it is followed by a vowel.
물이 끓으면[끄르면] 라면을 넣어요[너어요].
When the water boils, add ramen.
식탁에 숟가락을 놓아요[노아요].
Put a spoon on the table.
많은[마는] 학생들이 지각을 했어요.
Many students were late.
2. ‘ㅅ’이 받침 ‘ㅎ’ 뒤에 오면 [ㅆ]으로 발음되고 ‘ㅎ’은 발음되지 않는다.
If ‘ㅅ’ comes after the final consonant ‘ㅎ’, it is pronounced as [ㅆ] and ‘ㅎ’ is not pronounced.
젓가락을 식탁 위에 놓습니다[노씀니다].
Place the chopsticks on the table.
명동에 사람이 많습니다[만씀니다].
There are a lot of people in Myeongdong.
약을 먹는 게 싫습니다[실씀니다].
I hate taking medicine.
여기 앉아도 괜찮아요[괜차나요]?
Is it okay if I sit here?
3. 받침 ‘ㅎ, ㄶ’은 뒤에 ‘ㄴ’이 오면 [ㄴ]으로 발음된다.
The final consonants ‘ㅎ, ㄶ’ are pronounced as [ㄴ] when followed by ‘ㄴ’.
화분을 식탁 옆에 놓는[논는] 게 좋겠어요.
It would be better to put the flower pot next to the table.
옷을 옷장에 넣는[넌는] 게 좋겠어요.
I'd better put my clothes in the closet.
짐이 너무 많네요[만네요].
I have too much baggage.
잠이 오지 않네요[안네요].
I can't sleep.
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