경음화3 (Glottalization3)
받침소리 [ㄴ, ㅁ]으로 끝나는 동사, 형용사 뒤에 오는 ‘ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅈ’은 [ㄲ, ㄸ, ㅉ]으로 발음된다.
‘ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅈ’ that follows verbs or adjectives whose supporting sounds end in [ㄴ, ㅁ] are pronounced as [ㄲ, ㄸ, ㅉ].
ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅈ ➜ [ㄲ], [ㄸ], [ㅉ] / ㄴ, ㅁ -
운동화를 신고[신꼬] 등산을 했다.
I went hiking wearing sneakers.
운동화를 신다가[신따가] 넘어졌어요.
I fell while wearing sneakers.
운동화를 신지[신찌] 마세요.
Don't wear sneakers.
아이를 안고[안꼬] 산책을 했어요.
I went for a walk holding my child.
의자에 앉다가[안따가] 넘어졌어요.
I sat on a chair and fell.
여기에 앉지[안찌] 마세요.
Don't sit here.
머리를 감고[감꼬] 세수를 했어요.
I washed my hair and washed up.
머리를 감다가[감따가] 눈에 비눗물이 들어갔어요.
While washing her hair, soapy water got into her eyes.
바빠서 머리를 감지[감찌] 못했어요.
She was busy so she couldn't wash her hair.
아픈 걸 참고[참꼬] 학교에 갔어요.
I put up with being sick and went to school.
아픈 걸 참다가[참따가] 더 큰 병이 생겼어요.
If you are sick, don't hold back and go to the hospital.
아프면 참지[참찌] 말고 병원에 가세요.
I put up with the pain, and then I got a bigger disease.
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